
Did you know that over 500,000 homes will be sold this year directly because of Yard Signs?  

We all know that a potential client who is sitting in their car in front of your listing is the single most motivated, interested prospective buyer you will ever find.  If you don’t have a way to capture the moment a buyer is wanting to see the inside of your listing and leverage that to your benefit, you are MISSING OUT on a tremendous opportunity to potentially double end your listing and find a MOTIVATED BUYER!

Just why is a yard sign lead/call so valuable?  

With a yard sign lead, you have the advantage because YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE THE PROSPECT IS AT THAT MOMENT!  They are in front of the house!  If you had a system to meet this prospect would you use it?

That’s where www.YardSignLeads.com comes in.  For less than the cost of 1 internet lead from Realtor.com or Zillow, we will ship you 4 customized yard sign riders and give you a simple yet powerful system to capture the most valuable home buyers you can get.

Not only that, but think about it..you already have the listing side commission coming your way whether you or another agent finds the buyer, but if you are able to represent the buyer as well in the transaction what is that worth??  We cannot stress this enough - the biggest chance you will ever have at double ending your listing WILL COME FROM A YARD SIGN LEAD!

The industry has us believing that if it’s not hard or complicated that it won’t yield results.  At the end of the day there is a lot of noise out there and we end up trying to digest what all these experts say we should do to sell more homes.   Let’s get back to basics, but with the help of some new technology.  Take a good look at www.YardSignLeads.com and decide for yourself if $39.95/month is worth increasing your odds of double ending your listings by up to 4X.

To your success,

The YardSignLeads.com Team